Charity is an experienced English teacher and soon-to-be Teacher-Librarian who is passionate about learning and literacy, and hopes to inspire students to be creative and collaborative critical thinkers. Here you will find my reflections and class assignments that are a part of my journey to becoming a Teacher-Librarian.
The final frontier: Engaging and useful professional development - LIBE477 Reflection on meeting the ICT needs of teachers
To boldly go where no educator has gone before. Image from Know Your Meme Teacher-librarians have always been the vanguard of teaching Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills, helping colleagues to integrate new technologies into classrooms and guiding our students toward becoming digitally literate citizens. The wonderful teacher-librarians I've worked with (shout out to Joanne and Katherine!) were always so generous with their time and effort to help those of us lacking a technological skillset. Because I lacked confidence with my technological prowess, when I became interested in using infographics as a way to demonstrate students' knowledge rather than the traditional research paper or poster presentation, they helped me to create lessons on the skills needed to create infographics, including researching, citing, summarizing and using infographic websites that allows one to design an original infographic. Working with my school's teacher-librari...
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